We're hearing a lot in the news this week about body-shaming and that reminded me of a blog from my early days of blogging. A Letter to my Hips Recently you’ve been screaming in pain when I get out of the car, or hoist myself up from the sofa. I’ve tried everything to shut you up--ibuprophen, a chiropractor, acupuncture. I may have reminded you that nobody else complains--my back, neck, knees, hands and feet, shoulders--everybody’s doing fine. Now I’m working with a trainer to build up your strength and flexibility. He said, “When you feel no pain, remember to be grateful.” Now I think of all the miles we’ve walked together on city streets, often in high heels. That couldn’t have been fun for you. All the soccer games, the field hockey. We had so much fun with the Hula Hoop and the Twist. Please forgive me. I’m sorry I said you were too wide. I should have thanked you for all those soft landings on the ski slopes Oh, and how could I forget; thank you for t...