Goodness Gracious!

Rest In Peace, Jerry Lee Lewis.

Here's another nice thing about the Honey Locust; when the leaves fall they make a gorgeous carpet! This morning I saw this 

on my walk with Lucy to get my coffee and I didn't have my camera! They were getting ready to sweep so I rushed home and came back to take these pictures.  I try to live in the moment and not worry about taking pictures but then how can I share?  

Yesterday I had an appointment with the eye doctor so I got an early start, walking to the subway at 14th Street and 8th Avenue.  

But when I got there I remembered that I needed the 1 train. Oh, no!  But then I remembered that I could change from the A or C to the 1 at Columbus Circle.  Okay, this wasn't great but not a disaster.

And who did I see when I changed trains but

Sol Lewitt!  This piece is always a treat to see.  

I was feeling kind of blank about this week's post; thinking I didn't have much to see but then I had an idea--some of my favorite subway art is the 81st Street station of the C train under the Museum of Natural History.  Great, I'll go home on the C train and see the mosaics.

Here's what I saw.

Before and After

A sea turtle hatches and then shows me the way.

Yes, bats are a little creepy but think about what they eat-mosquitos!  Thank you.

Now the big guys..

this one may be my favorite.

This guy guided me to the exit.

  So I had a nice morning. Going to the eye doctor always brings back memories.  I had to get glasses in the third grade--my first were plaid with little Scottie dogs at the corners.  My mother and I would get dressed up and take the train into the city.  I'm sure we entered through the old Penn Station and I really wish I could unlock that memory.  Then, the eye doctor never gave shots so that was fine and then we'd go out to lunch.  No little brothers.  Of course I loved my brothers but all-girl events were rare and very special. 


  1. LOVE this post! Thank you for sharing, Barbara!

  2. Thanks, Barbara, for taking us on your walk, helping us see what we'd barely register without you. Carr


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