Something That's Driving Me Crazy
I try to keep my posts uplifting or at least upbeat, but here's something I can't get over. Have you seen this? It's an ad posted on our city busses and I am appalled. No, I do NOT lay in bed. I lay me down to sleep, I lay down my sword and shield, but I LIE in bed. Here's what Mirriam Webster says: Lay means "to place something down flat," while lie means "to be in a flat position on a surface." The key difference is that lay is transitive and requires an object to act upon, and lie is intransitive, describing something moving on its own or already in position. Beyond the present tense, the pair can become more confusing because lay is the past tense of lie , and laid is the past tense of lay . They also say, L ay and lie have been tripping up English speakers for 700 years, and no one should be judged harshl...