Celebrate the Light

 Happy Hanukkah!

Everyone can celebrate the story of a light that did not go out. 

"The light shines in the darkness and the darkness cannot overcome it." John 1:5

 "Let your light so shine before others... " Matthew 5:16

This little light of mine...

"I like the cracks-that's how the light gets in." Leonard Cohen

Break Forth O Beauteous Heavenly Light

This is Abingdon Square Park at Eighth Avenue, 12th Street and Hudson Street--my neighborhood.

What a year, and how we need light and lightness.  On November 7 when New York City erupted in horns honking with joy and all the church bells in Paris rang I felt a mix of relief and hope for the coming year.

But I know that there are many who now feel the way I felt at this time in 2016. How do we proceed from here?  How do we find a way to work together after all that's been said?  My church is holding discussions with the book, I Think You're Wrong But I'm Listening.  Maybe that's a start.

Maybe we could take a line from a beloved carol;

Now hush your noise and cease your strife

and Hear the Angels Sing


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