Moving on from Here

 What did I say last week?  It has to get better doesn't it? OY VEH!

Wednesday, January 6, also known as Epiphany, Three Kings Day, Twelfth Night, began in optimism and erupted into chaos.  But Georgia's new Senator-Elect, Rev. Raphael Warnock, pastor of the historic Ebenezer Baptist Church, quoted Dr. Martin Luther King;

"Darkness cannot drive out darkness: only light can do that.

Hate cannot drive out hate: only love can do that."

Then he said in his own words, "Let each of us try to be a light to see our country out of this dark time."

After he's sworn in will we refer to him as the Reverend Senator?

Now let's talk about me. Work is progressing on my new drawing, Red House,

but I've taken a rest because I don't know, or I haven't decided what to put in the windows.  While I think about that I've started a companion piece, the interior of the house. Here's the ground floor--maybe it's the reception hall. I want to give it a checkerboard floor but I have to put in some characters first.

Here's my question;  who should I pick to inhabit the Red House? How about European Royalty?
Elizabeth the First?

                                                    Louis Quatorze?

                                                                    A couple of mermaids?

                                                                        Maybe a cow?

                                                                        Or a stork?

What do you think of her? 

                                                            I can't go wrong with a Rhino.

It's a big decision and I'd love your input.  Maybe you have another idea? I look forward to hearing your thoughts.


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