Saint Barbara Day is Almost Here!

Yes, the great day is coming.  I hope you will join me at a Zoom presentation on

Artists Talk on Art

Every Monday Virtual Open Studios 6pm-7:30pm
2021 Zoom Link 

The title of the talk is

Lightning and Inspiration

 I will show the work I've done so far as a tribute to Saint Barbara, patron and protector of architects, engineers, armorers and anyone about to be struck by lightning. Her dramatic story and the art she has inspired have given me so many ideas that it'll be a long time before I'm done. 

I will be joined in the talk by my friend, Eileen Hoffman.  Here's a glimpse at our work that just happened to get hung together in a show at Atlantic Gallery. I find that prophetic.

How did Eileen and I get together?  I was talking about Saint Barbara at a small Zoom meeting and Eileen reminded me that the tale of Rapunzel stems directly from Saint Barbara's story--a maiden locked in a tower.

Does that sound familiar? Where have we been for almost two years now?  If not in a tower, locked down in a pandemic, trying to keep safe. But just as Barbara found ways to reach out and learn about the world outside her tower, so have we found new ways to connect.  It will be wonderful to meet in person again but for now I'll be grateful to see your faces in the little Zoom boxes. 

You may not find similarities in our work

 but I assure you, they are there, and we'll talk about our practices, where we get our inspiration and how we keep going.   Here's a glimpse of the raw materials we work with.

I hope you'll come--we'll have a great time.
One more time--here's the link
Every Monday Virtual Open Studios 6pm-7:30pm
2021 Zoom Link 



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