A Beautiful Lady

I'm embarrassed that I live in the greatest city in the world but don't pay enough respect to what it has to offer. I can see the Empire State Building from my living room and with just a short walk in our front yard (Hudson River Park on the banks of the beautiful river) I can wave to Lady Liberty. I'm afraid I take these treasures for granted. I used to say that a ride on the Staten Island Ferry was all you needed; you avoid long lines and big crowds--it's plenty close enough to see her.  but last fall, because Teddy's second-grade class was studying New York history so we made a visit. 

 Nancy, my dear friend from High School joined me and Jessie, Molly and Teddy.  It was a beautiful fall day, a lovely boat ride, and it wasn't crowded even though school was out. 

The kids climbed up as far inside the pedestal as you're allowed and Nancy and I sat and watched the harbor and had a nice visit.  Lunch in the cafe and a quick trip to the gift shop.

She really is beautiful, isn't she?  Beautiful and moving, holding up the light, striding forward to offer welcome, stepping over the broken chains of slavery and oppression at her feet. I'm in awe of what it took to bring the idea of her to fruition--from a sketch, to a clay model to her full magnificence.

She's so inspiring--as the New Yorker's cover girl;

I had to look this one up--City in Mourning, August 3. 1999--when JFK, Jr. died.

And here's one of my favorite New Yorker artists, Barry Blitt. This was not a cover.


Look who else Lady Liberty has inspired; I've kept this little masterpiece for years, knowing I'd find a place for it.  First Grader Daniela understood that a woman can get tired of the same old green dress.

 This is from  Rita Dove's book, Playlist for the Apocalypse

The Sunset Gates


I didn’t ask to stand under a crown of spikes

With my book and my torch, forgotten

Like a lamp left burning in the corner.

My shoulder aches, my toes are throbbing.

I’d rather bathe in a park fountain

or cast benedictions from the shadowy nest

of a cathedral’s gilded ribs.

Liberty’s pale green maiden, stranded.

Come visit!  Ascend to the crown and gaze out

At the nation I’ve sworn to watch over.

I stand ready to tell you what I have seen.

Who among you is ready to listen?

Rita Dove

That's just one poet's musings on the thoughts of a statue.  Whatever Lady Liberty thinks I hope she knows we love her and she inspires us to the best in ourselves.

On May 5 I told you about a new drawing I was excited about it--remember?  An article in The NY Times about the synagogues of Venice. Well, it's all done.  Well, I may go back and do a little more, but it's basically done.  Lightning and Inspiration, part of the Saint Barbara/Rapunzel  project. Take a look.


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