"Weeping may linger for the night, but joy comes with the morning."

"Weeping may linger for the night, but joy comes with the morning." That's how President Biden began his inaugural address, and that's how we feel this week.

"You have turned my mourning into dancing; You have taken off my sack cloth and clothed me in joy."

After putting our dear Lucy to rest, after a period of mourning, we conducted a nationwide search, never to replace her but to bring some joy back into our home.  This Tuesday we took a long drive and...

This is Jacob Fisher, Jr. of Honey Brook, PA with Arthur and the puppy formerly known as Ollie, now 

Russell Hudson Sherman.  

Sam suggested that we name him Alan, and that's an old story.  Alan and Donna once had a cocker spaniel  named Barbara.  It was the nineties and the breeder must have been a Republican--she named a pair George and Barbara and it was too late to change it.  To make matters worse they then adopted a beautiful hound who just wandered into their yard and christened her Sally, so they had Barby and Sally.

When we were little my best friend was Sally Hubbard, and so we were Barby and Sally. Here we are, selling lemonade.

It would serve Alan right, but turnabout isn't always fair play, and besides it wasn't really his fault.  He didn't name the dog. So it's Russell.  It's a family name.

Now back to business, and the 7 Days show, still hanging at First Presbyterian Church, 12 West 12 until Sunday, April 23 when we'll have a closing reception.

On the sixth day God said, "Let us make man in our image."

What Did Adam and Eve Look Like?
Barbara Hermor 

Her'e another big event!

Here's the link to make a reservation--it's free--and there will be lunch


Bill McKibben will also be speaking from the pulpit, that is, giving the sermon in the morning service, which will begin at 11 am. 

Hope to see you there!




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